Logo Valentin Nussbaum Valentin Nussbaum

Valentin Nussbaum

chemist, activity leader and camp supervisor, web designer…
my motivation is to acquire new knowledge and skills,
putting them into practice and passing them on to the younger ones.
It is on Strasbourg (Alsace) in my native region that I practice my passions.



After a Baccalauréat (Scientific), I turned to chemistry by joining the Université Louis Pasteur which became the Université de Strasbourg.

I pursued in chemestry and opened to biology with the Master’s degree Chemistry & Biology which ended with an internship at the Laboratory of Functionnal Chemical System in Illkirch.

The aim of this internship was to synthesize and characterize a new molecule and its various precursors to test its capacity to treat poisoning dues to organophosphorus-type neurotoxic compounds by reactivating acetylcholesterase. This led to a publication and a patent.

I teach physics and chemistry in secondary and high school since 2017 and got the CAPES/CAFEP in 2019 (competitive exam to become a tenured teacher).

  • Baccalauréat SSpecialty Physic-Chemistry
  • University degreeChemistry
  • MasterChemistry & Biology
    Interfaces and applications
  • CAFEPPhysique-Chimie


  • Organic chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Cellular biology
  • Pharmacology
  • Synthesis
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Chromatography (TLC, flash, HPLC)
  • Spectrometry (NMR, mass)
  • English


Novel uncharged reactivators against OP-inhibition of human acetylcholinesterase
eu EP13306584.7

Université Louis Pasteur Université de Strasbourg

Children's Activity Leading


I joined the Scouts et Guides de France movement in 2014 where I’m a volunteer educator.  I participated in various units including Louveteaux (8-11 years old boys) , Jeannettes  (8-11 years old girls), Scouts (11-14 years old boys) and Guides (11-14 years old girls). I made my adult oath (engagement) in june 2017 and I have been granted “the wood badge” on february 2018.

I received training and got my BAFA (qualification of activity leader) as well as the SGDF certificate to lead camps.


  • BAFA Brevet d'Aptitude aux Fonctions d'Animateur
  • CAFDSF Certificat d'Aptitude à la Fonction de Directeur du Scoutisme Français (Camp counselor)
  • PSC1 Prévention et Secours Civiques de niveau 1 (First Aid)


  • Conducting activities
  • Designing games
  • Youth knowledge
  • Life in nature
  • Planning
  • Logistics
  • Budget management
  • Supervising camps
  • Communication

Engagement SGDF Valentin Nussbaum




I first learned HTML / CSS / PHP by myself, then I followed a 2 years training program in web design and an object oriented PHP course.

I have been exercising 4 years (2013-2017) as an integrator with a specialization in responsive email with a high compatibility with the multitude of email clients.

  • Level III Certification Digital communication support designer


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Responsive emails
  • Ps
  • Ai
  • Fw
  • AE
  • Pr


    SGDF SPLJ Joomla website
  • Gaïa
    Gaïa FireWorks mock-up
  • Cuisine Class
    Cuisine Class HTML5/CSS3 integration
  • Running Wolf
    Running Wolf A parallax story
  • Vestiairology
    Vestiairology FireWorks mock-up
  • Agencement X
    Agencement X HTML5/CSS3 integration
  • HTML5 CSS3
    HTML5/CSS3 Lab Different possibilities offered by the HTML5/CSS3
  • MK fermetures
    MK Fermetures WordPress integration